Handcross Primary

Reception - EYFS


EYFS - Reception


Hedgehogs Reception Class at Handcross 


At Handcross, we recognise that children develop faster in the first years of their lives than at any other time. We want to ensure a smooth, happy and successful transition from pre-school to full-time education by working in partnership with parents to ensure the children have the best start possible to school.

We aim to develop the children personally, socially and emotionally by providing a safe, happy, stimulating environment. Planned and well structured play activities form a very important part of the reception year and are the key way for children to learn with enjoyment and challenge. 

Our Early Years curriculum consists of three prime areas of learning:

  1. Personal, social and emotional development

  2. Communication and language

  3. Physical development

And four specific areas. These are:

  1. Literacy

  2. Mathematics

  3. Understanding the World

  4. Expressive Arts and Design

These seven areas are taught through topics which offer a range of experiences and opportunities through an active, play -  based curriculum using both the indoor and outdoor classrooms. Please see our new starter booklet below for more information.

Handcross EYFS Topics

Select clickable items to download the curriculum forecast.

We are currently on Cycle A



A - 2024/2025





All About Me

This Is Me      



Whatever Next

Bang, Pop, Wow  




When I Grow Up

All Around the World



What a Wonderful World

Come Outside  




Once Upon a Time

Take a Ticket



Off on an Adventure

Summer Fun

EYFS Resources 

Handcross Full Prospectus 2024 - 25


NRICH - Maths Mastery Challenges 


Cbeebies - Phonics and counting Games

WhiteRose Maths - EYFS Home Learning

Reception - Helpful Videos

Phonics in Reception