Equality Objectives
Handcross Primary School complies with the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011. Please see our Single Equality Policy for more details. Our specific school equality objectives for 2023/24 are below:
Equality Objective |
Action |
To identify and act on any trends or patterns through monitoring data in relation to disability, race and gender |
Monitor and analyse pupil achievement by analysing data Identify need and implement additional interventions |
To raise levels of attainment in all subjects for disadvantaged learners |
Disadvantaged children will be given a high profile in all lessons and have access to a range of opportunities (learning and emotional) to extend their experiences and ensure progress Data for disadvantaged children will be monitored closely and interventions will be implemented accordingly |
To ensure all children, including those with disabilities, are able to access a full curriculum |
Extra provision will be made for those who require it to access the curriculum e.g. additional support or resources |