Handcross Primary


The Great Fire of London Re-Enactment - KS1

We provide a high-quality history education which gives children a coherent knowledge and understanding of the past in Britain and the wider world and inspires their curiosity to know more about the past. Children will gain knowledge of specific events and periods in time as well as developing their sense of chronology and historical enquiry skills through each carefully planned unit of work. In their history lessons, children have the opportunity to use a range of historical sources including artefacts, photos, documents and texts which enable them to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. We regularly have enrichment days to bring our history topics to life and visit places of historical interest to enrich children's understanding of a period or event in history, including those in our immediate locality. 





Egyptian DayEgyptian Day

Egyptian mummification workshop


Roman artefactsRoman Day


History curriculum information: 

 History Programme of Study

Curriculum Intent Statement for History

History Progression Document 

History Long Term Plan

Explore the links below to enrich your home history learning: 

Explore the galleries of the British museum

BBC History

Horrible Histories

National Geographic for kids- History

Topmarks History

 A Zoom call with Florence Nightingale - KS1Florence Nightingale - KS1