Maths is a powerful means of communication and it allows us to solve problems and to interpret and appreciate the world around us through its language, symbols, visual representation and logic.
Our aim at Handcross Primary School is for pupils to make rich connections across mathematical ideas in order to develop their fluency, flexibility, reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems as they progress up the school by embedding opportunities for mathematical thinking and talk from the start of their learning journeys.
Maths lessons at Handcross:
We follow the White Rose Maths scheme, which enables us to cover each Maths topic in greater depth and provide children with a variety of visual representations and daily opportunities to reason and problem solve and therefore, develop deeper conceptual understanding. We include ‘Flashback 4s’ into our Maths sessions, whereby children are asked 4 questions to revisit learning from the previous day, week, unit and term. This gives them the opportunity to retrieve and consolidate previous knowledge as well as develop varied fluency.
All lessons start with a ‘Flash Maths’ section to support the children’s development and understanding of number fluency. In EYFS and KS1 we use the 'Number Sense Maths’ programme which focuses solely on number and addition/ subtraction fact fluency. This is a scheme that teaches the children number facts in a systematic way and develops their ability to subitise numbers (recognise small amounts without counting), become fluent in core number facts and supports them in choosing the most efficient method when calculating. In KS2 we build on our number fact knowledge, calculation fluency and times tables.
Maths in Key Stage 1 Video:
Maths Long Term Plans
How to develop children’s mathematical skills at home:
In EYFS, Year 1 and 2 children play Numbots for boosting number recognition, addition and subtraction skills. It is important that your child develops efficient mental calculation strategies to add and subtract two-digit numbers, so that they can leave counting on their fingers behind.
In years 2 through to year 6 children play TT Rockstars, a fun programme designed to help master the times tables and their inverse facts.
Monthly assemblies take place to celebrate skills in Numbots and TT Rockstars. Each month a skill is focused on, e.g. speed, accuracy, most improved, with each class earning certificates and a place on the TT Rockstars Hall of Fame Board.
Exploring Maths through games at home :
Practising children’s mathematics in real life situations can be done whenever, wherever! For example, when:
- Using a pack of cards, there are many ways to practice times tables. One way is to split a deck in half, and turn them face down. Turn the top card on each half upwards, so you can see the numbers. Multiply the two numbers together and the first person to say the answer correctly wins the cards. The person with the most cards wins
- shopping – adding up costs, estimating the mass/capacity of items
- cooking – measuring ingredients, cutting food items into fractions
- playing with toys – counting, dividing (sharing with friends)
- planning the day – telling the time, calculating time durations
- using apps/websites – ‘Hit the Button’, ‘Times Table Rockstars’ or look below for more websites
Maths Resources
Feb 2020 - Parents Maths Workshop - Maths Mastery
Whole School Year Group Examples - Addition
Whole School Year Group Examples - Division
Whole School Year Group Examples - Multiplication
Whole School Year Group Examples - Subtraction