Science at Handcross
We aim to provide an engaging science curriculum which builds upon children's natural curiosity and develops essential skills such as perseverance, questioning, open-mindedness, critical thinking and co-operation. We offer children first-hand experiences of the world around them through making the most of the outdoor environments in school and within our locality.
As well as teaching substantive scientific knowledge and building conceptual understanding, disciplinary knowledge is developed in each area of study so that children learn how to work scientifically. This includes observing changes over time, comparative and fair testing, identifying, classifying, pattern seeking and researching. The curriculum is carefully planned so that knowledge and skills in these areas develop and build as the children progress through each year group.
In EYFS, children learn about science by exploring the world around them. This includes daily access to our outdoor classroom, garden and mud kitchen. Adults build upon children's natural curiosity by encouraging investigation and developing their vocabulary through questioning and extending tasks. This provides a solid foundation for future science learning.
In Key Stage 1, science is embedded in cross-curricular topics which engage and excite the children. In Key Stage 2, science is taught as a discreet subject and follows the programmes of study for each year group in the national curriculum. In all year groups, key concepts such as seasonal changes are revisited throughout the year, through continuous provision and our visits to Nymans gardens.
We celebrate science, technology, engineering and maths each year during STEM Week. Please see our STEM week videos for an insight into these enriching weeks:
2023 STEM week
2022 STEM week
Science Information
Primary National Curriculum - Science
Curriculum Intent Statement for Science
Handcross Primary Working Scientifically Progression Document
Handcross Primary Substantive Knowledge Progression Document
Science Whole School Long Term Plan
We are proud to be an 'Eco School'. Eco Schools is an international programme of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) that aims to “empower students to be the change our sustainable world needs by engaging them in fun, action-orientated and socially responsible learning.” We have an active Eco committee called the Eco Warriors who meet weekly to continually audit and review what we can do as a school to protect and improve the environment.
We achieved 'Bronze' Eco-Schools status in 2019.
We are extremely proud of this and the Eco Warriors are now working towards achieving the silver award. We hope to have achieved our Silver Award by the end of 2023.