We have a school uniform, which all children must wear. The PTA also provide a second-hand uniform shop, where uniform can be recycled and sold at a fraction of the cost. This is great for the environment, as well as a cost-effective option. Each item needs to be marked with your child's name. Please see our school prospectus.
Children also need to bring in an old baggy T-shirt to cover themselves during messy activities.
Boys and girls should be clean and smartly presented, including appropriate haircuts. Extreme haircuts, including cuts below grade 1, are not acceptable. This includes hairstyles where the sides are much shorter than the top/back, as well as shaven hair, hair dye, Mohican styles, lines or patterns shaved into the hair. These are not permitted. Hair at shoulder length or longer should be tied back for health and safety reasons (girls and boys). Hair bands and grips should be in school colours. We expect children to take pride in their appearance and represent our school well within the community.
If ears are pierced, only studs may be worn. (These should not be worn on PE and swimming days. Please supply micropore tape if earrings cannot be removed) Children are not permitted to wear any other jewellery.
All children must bring a clearly named water bottle every day (water only – no juice/squash)
IMPORTANT: Children should only bring essential items to school - we do not have much storage space!
Lost Property
All named items that are lost are quickly returned to their owners. Any other lost items are kept in the office and periodically displayed at picking up time. Any unnamed, unclaimed items will then be disposed of. Please feel free to assist your child in claiming their lost property.
All Year Uniform/ Winter Option
All maroon items from Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists or PTA Secondhand Uniform shop
- Maroon polo shirt with school logo (required)
- Maroon, elasticated jogging bottoms (required)
- Maroon sweatshirt (boys) or cardigan (girls) with school logo (required)
- Plain black, grey or white socks (generic)
- Black trainers with Velcro straps (generic)
- School jacket with school logo (optional)
- Please note that leggings may not be worn instead of jogging bottoms.
Optional Summer Uniform - only applicable in summer term
All maroon items from Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists or PTA Secondhand Uniform shop
- Maroon polo shirt with school logo
- Maroon cotton shorts or skort
- Maroon sweatshirt (with logo)
- Short grey or white socks (no tights to be worn with shorts)
- Optional maroon school cap
* If it is hot and sunny the children must bring a sun hat/cap and come to school wearing sun cream.
**The blue gingham summer dresses are not allowed for infant children.
The idea behind this infant uniform is that the children are always dressed for action and that no separate PE uniform is required. When the Infants wear the uniform outlined above, it requires no changing time for PE and valuable curriculum time is gained.
Junior Children - Year 3, 4, 5 & 6
Children are not permitted to wear makeup or jewellery other than ear studs.
All maroon items from Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists or PTA Secondhand Uniform shop
All Year Uniform for Junior children:
- Maroon polo shirt with school logo (required)
- Maroon sweatshirt (boys) or cardigan (girls) with school logo (required)
- With:
- Light grey school trousers or light grey school skirt,not charcoal grey (generic)
- Black, grey or white socks or grey tights (generic)
- Sensible black shoes (generic)
- School jacket with school logo (optional)
Optional Summer Uniform - only applicable in summer term
- Light grey shorts or pale blue gingham dress (juniors only)
- Maroon polo shirt with light grey shorts/trousers/skirt.
PE Uniform for Juniors
(to be worn on PE days)
- Maroon polo shirt with school logo (required)
- Maroon cotton shorts /optional maroon skort for girls
- Short white or grey socks (generic)
- Black trainers or plimsolls (generic)
- Optional maroon fleece
- Optional maroon jogging bottoms in cold weather
- Swimming costume (one piece for girls, trunks/shorts for boys)
- Swim hat (available to purchase via the school office)
- Towel
You can order your school uniform by clicking here
You can order second hand uniform at discounted prices on Uniformely, run by our amazing PTA.